Monday, May 18, 2009

This is the official start

By popular demand I have decided to start a blog. Ok....not so popular, but I have had people ask. I am new to this so I hope it is informative, entertaining, or whatever you may want it to be.

For those of you who I haven't spoken to in a while here is a bit of an update:

I have been married to my beautiful wife, April, for 6 years and are going strong. April is from northern Utah and we were married in the Bountiful Utah LDS temple. We have two little girls, Marlie (4) and Addie (2). Marlie and Addie are best of friends and are often co-conspirators in mischief.

We all live in Salt Lake City right now and will for another year (until I finish school...we'll get to that later.) April and I, mostly April, manage the apartment complex we live in and April has an online business that she runs. If you want to check out her website it is April is the hardest working person I know and always inspires me to do better.

I am a graduate student at the University of Utah studying Chemical Engineering and will graduate with my Master's Degree in a year. Once I graduate we will move to wherever I get a job; probably Texas.

I Think that's it for now. I look forward to catching up with a bunch of my old friends and I hope everyone is doing well. I will get some pictures up shortly.